RE: [Evolution] IMAP on Exchange

I personally agree with you, we should just dump the shortcut bar - it's
annoying and not very useful.

Ettore? whadaya say!? :-)


On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 09:02:49 -0700
To: "'Uwe Dippel'" <udippel apiit edu my>, "'evolution helixcode com'"
<evolution helixcode com>
From: Gregory Leblanc <GLeblanc cu-portland edu>
Sender: evolution-admin helixcode com
Subject: RE: [Evolution] IMAP on Exchange

Despite what other people say, getting to mail using IMAP in evolution is
not something that I find intuitive.  What view are you using in
the shortcut bar, or the folder list?  Since Evolution defaults to the
stupid and worthless shortcut bar, you must manually turn on the folder
to be able to see your IMAP folders and the mail therein.  Right now (at
least on my copies of Evolution) you cannot "customize" the folder list,
you'll have to either look at all the folders, or create shortcuts on the
shortcut bar for the folders you want to see.  This limitation will go
eventually, I think.  HTH,

-----Original Message-----
From: Uwe Dippel [mailto:udippel apiit edu my]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 12:14 AM
To: 'evolution helixcode com'
Subject: [Evolution] IMAP on Exchange

Dear all,

I thought that my situation could be a good testing ground 
for Evolution.
Teaching in a college on the path to 'distant learning' I 
have more than
thousand messages on an Exchange server in almost hundred 
folders for one
aspect of work and run another (POP) server with several 
hundred messages
coming in, at times per week.
Evolution works on the POP-server but somehow is completely 
dead on the
Exchange. Currently I use StarOffice as IMAP-client on the 
Exchange, which
is tedious and slow, but works. Evolution is silent. After 
configuration I
tested the setup and it gave me 'setup successful'. And that's it.
Tried several times. Nothing, no activity. No single message 
ever to be
seen. Everything empty. The same installation configured for 
the POP-server
works, however, without problems. Any ideas??
evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com
Spruce: Man and mouse alike, both end up in pussy

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