Re: [Evolution] Bugs

With on-demand filters, "copy" is really a "move" but it unfortunately says
"copy" right now, hopefully this will be changed for the next release.

I was not clear the first time.  I was not referring to the copy button
that is located in the filter on demand section setup.  I was talking
about how if I wish to execute only a SINGLE filter on demand (i have 3
of them setup) then whenever I choose one (or at least the first one
does this, haven't checked the others) it will execute all of the filter
on demand scripts.  That was the first error.  The second error was when
I tried to use the copy button from the toolbar on a message that was
accidentally filtered into another folder in order to copy it to the
inbox, it placed a line through it and marked it for delete (confirmed
by the expunge command).  I hope that this better explains what I was
talking about.

Also, if you get this message twice I appoligize, evolution crashed on
me in the middle of sending this message and I didn't know if it got
through or not. Mental note, do not rapidly switch mail folders
continuously while mail is being sent through sendmail.

Ok.  I've just noticed a couple of bugs right now.  Consequently, one
bug led to the discovery of the second.  One bug (I think it is a bug)
is that if you have multiple "filter on demands" setup and try to
execute only a single one of those, all of the filters on demand get
The second bug that I found is in the copy mail option.  If I copy a
normal message to another folder (like copying it back into the inbox
from a folder called archived) it marks it as deleted. I understand that
the move option would mark it as deleted but why does the copy option do
that as well.  
Anyway, evolution is looking better and better each release and is
becoming ever so stable in its performance.  I think I've had this
running for 4 days straight without a crash in any of the components :)
Sejal Patel (sejal iname com)

"I can call spirits from the vasty deep.  Why so can I, or so can any
but will they come when you do call for them?"
                                        Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part

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