Re: [Evolution] How to use GPG support?

Sorry about the delayed response; I was hoping someone more
knowledgeable than I would answer your question, but that hasn't

Chad Hogan wrote:
Ok, so I understand that when I compile from source with 0.5.1, I'm
supposed to have GPG support, right?  ./configure does find my
/usr/bin/gpg and sets all sorts of variables all through the source
tree.  I compile it, and I install it, and I run it.  I receive email
gpg-encrypted data.  It's not an attachment -- it's right  in the
document.  Evolution realizes that it's an encrypted message but
it gives me an error message:

"No GPG/PGP support available in this copy of Evolution"

From what I'm reading here, it seems that it should be able to
at least decrypt, right?  And yet it's as if I hadn't built it with gpg
at all -- even with all those vars set during the configure.

What did I miss?
Nothing, as far as I can tell.  All I can think to recommend is that you
verify that you're running the newest compile of Evolution (e.g., run
killev before running evolution), but it sounds like you've already done
that.  I'll let you know if anything else occurs to me, but based on
what you said everything really should be working.  Does anybody else
have ideas?

Sorry I couldn't be of more help,


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