[Tom Cooper <tom_cooper bigfoot com>] Re: [Evolution] window sizes?

evo crashed when I sent this the fost time, and there's no "send again"
or "edit as new" feature (that I can find.)

While the message with the meaningful content is "correctly" attached to
this message, you'll need to open the attached message to find out that:
a) the suggestion worked for the main window, which is great and that
b) I want the "folder" view to save its width because I have lots of

Gee, I guess since I typed the content in here, you don't absolutely
need to open the attached message.  
(Sorry NotZed, I disagree with your assertion about forwarded messages.
- I do VERY MUCH appreciate your work, and your help with this

Tom Cooper

Standard disclaimer applies:
This message represents the opinions of the
author, and not necessarily those of any 
organization to which he may be related.  
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks for the Sawfish tip.  I did not know that.

I'd also love to have the width of the folder window saved.  I view
folders by clicking on the folder name and navigating to the folder on
the tree that I want to see.

I have a bunch'o'folders, and find myself widening the window every time
I open evo.  Is that "on the list" to be saved information, or am I just
a folder nut with too many folders going too deep?

Thanks for the help!

Tom Cooper

On 02 Apr 2001 11:24:12 -0700, Garrett Mickelson wrote:
That is a window manager issue. Are you running Sawfish? You can right
click on the window's title bar and a menu of options appears. Click on
History --> Remember Dimensions. This should save the window just the
way you want it.

Garrett Mickelson
On 02 Apr 2001 13:52:00 -0400, Tom Cooper wrote:
I'd love for evo to remember the size of the main window and it's
subwindows.  It that "on the list?"


Tom Cooper

Standard disclaimer applies:
This message represents the opinions of the
author, and not necessarily those of any 
organization to which he may be related.  

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com
Garrett Mickelson               Systems Engineer
415.358.2600                    www.penguincomputing.com
Standard disclaimer applies:
This message represents the opinions of the
author, and not necessarily those of any 
organization to which he may be related.  

--- End Message ---

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