Re: [Evolution] Coolest feature ever idea(TM) -- post 1.0

On 10 Aug 2001 08:50:09 +0100
 Ian Wales <ian terminus ericsson se> wrote:
This sounds very like roaming profiles (either via LDAP or HTTP).

I also feel this would be a nice feature especialy in the
office/homeworking environmet.
It may be that such functionality would be more accessible
and secure with HTTP/SSL support.  If the places I've worked
are representative of the general penetration of servers,
there are a lot more HTTP servers than LDAP servers within 
corpoerate filewalls.  Do LDAP servers support SSL?

I too like this feature request.  On a broader view, though,
I know that Microsoft is working toward supporting an Athena-like
system where, when a user logs onto any machine on a corporate
or university network, the user's previous state is restored.
So, in this scenario, the users data and configuration reside
in a centralized, backed-up (hopefully) location.  IIRC, this
functionality relies on Microsoft's Active Directory Server.
Having a similar sort of Gnome Network User Login might be 
interesting, but that's a topic for another mailing list.

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