Re: [Evolution] simple options

On 08 Aug 2001 13:29:46 -0400, Fred Chagnon wrote:
There are two simple things I want to do that evolution can't seem to
do...or at least I can't find them. 

 - Remove the silly signature seperator
Please don't add this "feature".  The seperator can be used by other
programs (as well as evo) to remove the signature.  That's a very good
feature and removing the separator would mean that that's not possible.

 - Change the character used for inline quoting (usually a '>' though
I'd prefer a '|') 

Personally I hate when people use another character than '>'  I think it
makes it harder to follow a conversation.  Espessially if different
people use different characters.  But I guess taste is different for
different people. :)


Erik Bågfors               | erik bagfors nu
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