Re: [Evolution] IMAP Synchronizing Error

the A02390 number is different for each time the sync is attempted, I
assume it is some kind of serial number or something that evo creates
when it makes a request to the IMAP server.  The error comes from
evolution sending set flags to the IMAP server with no flags -
apparently a no-no according to the rfc.


On 14 Aug 2001 17:44:03 -0400, Julian Missig wrote:
I and other users of Cyrus IMAP servers have been experiencing the same
error with Evolution for quite some time now. I bring it up every now and
then - I think Jeff even attempted to reproduce the error, but he didn't get
it - but I don't think there have been any fixes.

Although, when I get it, I just have a space instead of "A02390"... so it
may be different.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Troy Roberts" <troy pdaverticals com>
To: <evolution ximian com>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August, 2001 17:06
Subject: [Evolution] IMAP Synchronizing Error

I have evolution set to sync my mailbox every 10 mins.  With some
messages that get received into my inbox I get the following error

Error while 'Synchronizing folder':
Unexpected response from IMAP server: A02390 BAD Invalid Flag name in
UID Store command

There does not appear to be any pattern to the messages that cause this,
once teh messages have been deleted the error no longer occurs.  I have
included at the bottom one of the messages that caused this situation,
again, there is no pattern to this (ie it is not always messages from
this sender that causes this).

I talked to the guy who runs the IMAP server here and he gave me the
following info:

IMAP server is Cyrus imapd 1.6.24. A portion of the telemetry log
follows; the problem is that evolution is attempting to store an empty
set of flags for a message. It's not apparent why it is selecting that
message to do so.

Here is an excerpt from the telemetry log from the Imap Server
A00351 STATUS {23+}
INBOX.vendors.rhinoskin (UNSEEN)

* STATUS INBOX.vendors.rhinoskin (UNSEEN 0)
A00351 OK Completed
A00352 STATUS {20+} (UNSEEN)
A00352 OK Completed
A00353 STATUS {11+}
A00353 OK Completed
)A00354 BAD Invalid flag name  in UID Store command
A00355 NOOP
OA00355 OK Completed
A00356 LIST "" {6+}

Here is the mail message that causes this

Return-Path: <netsaint idoru>
X-Sieve: cmu-sieve 2.0
Return-Path: <netsaint>
Received: (from netsaint localhost) by
(8.10.1/8.10.1/Debian 8.10.1-0.1) id f7EIVR901082 for
troy pdaverticals com; Tue, 14 Aug 2001 11:31:27 -0700
Date: 14 Aug 2001 11:31:27 -0700
From: netsaint
Message-Id: <200108141831 f7EIVR901082 pdaverticals com>
To: troy pdaverticals com
Subject: Host UP alert for bonemachine!
***** NetSaint 0.0.6 *****

Notification Type: RECOVERY
Host: bonemachine
State: UP
Info: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.20 ms

Date/Time: Tue Aug 14 11:31:27 PDT 2001

Thanks for your help,


BTW - excellent product it will be a happy replacement to my previous
mail client!

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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