Re: [Evolution] Some Problems

When I'm "deleting" a message from my Inbox and I do the delete in rapid
succession the highlight of the message invariably jumps up three or
four messages.. so what happens is I end up "deleting" a message that I 
didn't want to and have to go back and unhide everything to find it.
( I don't like the way Evo deletes.. I prefer a deleted items folder  it
makes it MUCH easier to search for a message that's been deleted)
I think you've got the 'earlier release' ? ;mine isn't doing that but it
used to.
The latest snap seems MUCH slower for me. Bringing up a compose window
takes the better part of ten or fifteen seconds  which is an eternity in
the computing world.
not sure if its related but i 'had' mozilla 093 installed which was
causing crashes and evo 'was' slow but uninstalling mozilla fixed the
crashes and slowness--at least i believe so unless something else was at
play .

Finally.. is there any way to "Save Window Size" when you exit the
program. I've can't see any way to save the size of the window I set 
for Evolution, it always reverts back to the basic size.
thats your WM/gnome controll panel

good luck

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