Re: [Evolution] Evolution Bug Day Reminder

On Wed, 2001-08-22 at 19:00, Luis Villa wrote:

P.S. Note my use of the niftyness that is evolution calendaring. Let me
know if I'm doing something stupid... I've never tried this before :) 
Worked fine, even though I'm on a different timezone - it even got the
time correct (3pm on thursday to 3am friday).

OTOH, I did see an unwanted behavior: I chose 'view inline'. Then I
tried to scroll down (using the scroll wheel on my mouse). It turns out
that when the pointer is anywhere directly below the gray line that
marks the start of the calendar message, scrolling with th mouse wheel
no longer works. If I put the pointer to the right of the area defined
by the gray line (or above it) scrolling works fine, and scrolling with
the arrow keys work no matter where the pointer is in that pane.

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Mr. Jan Morén                          Dept. of Cognitive Science
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