RE: [Evolution] Evolution Bug Day, Take 2

On Wed, 2001-08-22 at 20:03, Eric Newman wrote:
What version of outlook?  Does the original version work? I'm 

Outlook 2000

The original version works, but the appointment gets listed as 2am - 2pm.
I'm in the US Pacific time zone.

There are a few things that may be causing this that I can think of:

 1) We are now sending the VTIMEZONE twice rather than not at all.
    Outlook may not like that. (We'll fix this eventually anyway.)

 2) We use a non-standard 'X-LIC-LOCATION:America/New_York' property.
    Though I think Outlook will probably just ignore that.

 3) The iCalendar spec is a bit confusing about RDATE properties in
    VTIMEZONEs, as to whether they should be in local time or UTC.
    Outlook may be expecting the opposite of what we output.

 4) Outlook only handles a subset of the RRULE spec, and outputs this
    message when it finds something it can't handle. This could be a
    real pain to sort out if it is true.

 5) Something completely different :)


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