Re: [Evolution] Could not create composer window

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 01:19:01PM -0400, Peter Williams wrote:
On Thu, 2001-08-23 at 12:09, Rakich, Richard wrote:
I have this problem as well, but the fix provided does not seem to help.  

Any other suggestions?

Sometimes it seems to be necessary to run an oaf-slay after modifying
the .oaf file. Does this help?

        Unfortunately not here.

                g, drifter

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 06:36:16PM +0200, Jens Stroebel wrote:
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 10:47:40AM -0400, Peter Williams wrote:
I've looked into this a bit more. If you remove all the translations
from the "Bonobo_Moniker_Oaf" section of
/usr/share/oaf/Bonobo_Moniker_std.oaf and then run oaf-slay, the problem
seems to be fixed.
Doesn't help here....
with or without translations,

      "Cannot create composer-window"
        (in a nice window :)  )

anyway, since I have

it cannot be related to bonobo-1.0.8, at least not here.

drifter outerlounge de

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