Re: [Evolution] Evolution Bug Day, Take 2

On Wed, 2001-08-29 at 02:11, Thomas O'Dowd wrote:
On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 12:06:10AM -0400, Damon Chaplin wrote:

If it was 'Sun>=8' we could use BYDAY=2SU, but I don't know what we
can do with 'Sun>=9'.

Hmmm. I played around with this a little bit but I can't figure out 
how to do it if Outlook doesn't accept the combination format. One
idea you might consider is using BYDAY=2SU knowing that it will
be wrong now and again by a week but is mostly right. ie, around 6/7 times
will be right (not entirely true because of Feb). Then create rdate
and exdate for each year when it is wrong. The rdate will introduce
Sun the 15th that year and the exdate will get rid of Sun the 8th. This
should work although it is more work for you upfront until Outlook starts 
supporting the RFC properly. Just checked and the first exception from
now is October 2006 when it will be the 15th.

Hmmm. I think that is a bit too much trouble. I'd rather just use
a list of RDATEs.

Unfortunately it seems Outlook is really picky about what RRULEs
it will accept. It doesn't seem to like BYMONTHDAY at all.
This means we have a few more problem timezones.


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