Re: [Evolution] Is there a roadmap / future feature list?

On Sun, 2001-12-09 at 20:25, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:
G'day all,

I've been 'toying' with Evolution on and off since the very early days,
and in the last 3 weeks I've taken the plunge and started 'using' it -
for everything. 

Being an Outlook 2k junkie (wizard? ;)) there are of course things I
like better about each program, but Evolution is the winner for now in
my book. 
I havn't used Outlook at all. I'm curious what it has that Evo doesn't
at the moment.

What I want to know, before I start firing off a list of 'would be nice
if', 'could it do', 'what about' emails, is there a list of the features
that have been requested somewhere?

It would be extremely useful for non-gnome-programmer users like myself
to be able to see if a feature suggestion has already been made - I
guess it's basically a detailed roadmap of future releases? 

And if someone's going to suggest Bugzilla, please don't make us submit
and track minor UI improvements via Bugzilla - Evolution's strength as a
program is that normal office workers can use it, such should be feature
submission process ;)
The answer is indeed bugzilla. If you want to know what's been suggeted,
you can either ask on this list (often people are easier to query than
bugzilla) or search bugzilla. I'm not sure what a better feature
submittion process would be. (of course, you could always open a
whishlist bug entitled "make it easier to submit wishlist items" ;-)  )

Short answer:
* Bugzilla
* This mailing list

Great work so far anyway, I love it!


Mike Cannon-Brookes :: mike atlassian com

Atlassian ::
     Supporting YOUR J2EE World

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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