Re: [Evolution] compiling cvs - issues

On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 15:43, Chris wrote:
Assuming you're talking about the bug where the focus in the composer
keeps getting stolen by random widgets, that is a gtk bug, not
evolution, and is fixed in the ximian gtk-1.2.10 packages, or in CVS gtk
on the gtk-1-2 branch.
As far as I know, I'm running gtk+-1.2.10..  the problem I'm experiencing
is in the composer, but also seemingly partly in the rest of the program,
where the cursor focus will occasionally (often) change based on the mouse
position..  So if I'm typing a message and bump my mouse so the cursor
moves over the "subject" box, my typing then starts appearing there,
instead of in the message box.
Yes, that's exactly the behavior of the stock gtk+-1.2.10 packages. You
need to either downgrade to 1.2.9, or upgrade to gtk+-1.2.10-ximian or
gtk+ from CVS.

-- Dan

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