Re: [Evolution] More problems with evolution

Laszlo PETER wrote:


This problem occurs when the user clicks on the "Calendar" icon.
You cannot see what is being typed when the user enters any data
into the calendar as described below:

In the "Day" and "5 Day" views any data entered into the calendar
is not visible.  It seems to be white text on a white background.
If you highlight the cell after entering data, you can see the

The "Week" and "Month" calendars work okay if you click on a date
and start typing, which causes it to add a new entry.  The text is
white and the background is gray and clear to read.  However, entries
that are carried over from the "Day" or "5 Day" view have the same
display problem as the "Day" and "5 Day" views described in the
paragraph above.  The "Week" view seems to be white text on white
background.  The "Month" view seems to be white text on light gray
background.  The "Month" view is very difficult but not quite
impossible to read.  Again if you highlight the text in the cell
after entering the data, you can see the text.

This problem only occurs on Solaris.  Any tips about how to correct
or look into this situation?
This is a strange one. I would guess that it is a problem with the
use of colors in EText (which is in gal/e-text in the gal library.)
Maybe using a wrong colormap or something like that.

One idea is to change this line in e_text_realize() (gal/gal/e-text/e-text.c):

        text->gc = gdk_gc_new (item->canvas->layout.bin_window);

        text->gc = gdk_gc_new (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas)->window);

It is currently using the wrong window when creating the GC, which may
mean using the wrong depth/colormap.


While clicking on cells while in the Calendar, using the "Week"
view, a pop-up appears saying "Ooops!  The view for
`evolution:/local/Calendar' have died unexpectedly.  :-(
This problably means that the calendar component has crashed."

We were able to recreate this problem in Linux and Solaris.  To
recreate the problem simply click in many cells and enter many
values into the "Week" view.  The problem seems to happen after
playing with it this way for about 1 minute.  If you have problems
recreating this situation, we can be more specific about how we
are creating the problem, but it seems pretty easy to create.
We verified that each core dumping situation had the same
This sounds like a problem that occurs when we get notification of
changes to an event from the server (wombat). It is probably destroying
things that other parts of the code are depending on. Bugs in this code
are not too surprising - I've been meaning to check over this for a while.

Thanks for the reports.


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