[Evolution] [Michael Merideth <mikem cravetechnology com>] Re: [discuss] Is OO working with Helixcode (now Ximian) inintegrating some stuff?

I would have to agree with this guy's point. He posted this message to
the Open Office mail list, and makes a fine statement in regards to the
definition of "groupware". I personally would like to see Open Office
use whatever backend Evolution uses to store contacts and calendars, and
that this be available as a server product, i.e. Evolution Server.....

Garrett Mickelson 

Forwarded message:
This is close to what I've been looking for, but for some reason I'm 
feeling almost alone on the calendaring/task stuff.  I agree with the 
point earlier in this thread that the loss of Schedule Server with OO is 
a MAJOR loss, and will probably prevent me from being able to suggest OO 
as a reasonable standard for my employer (absent an alternative solution 
that can integrate, such as what Evolution _should_ be).

Evolution is a super-fine product, but absent a CENTRAL calendaring/task 
management server, it's not possible to see resource/participant 
availability or task lists in realtime.  This is a huge shortcoming in 
the Linux world, and a major reason why even Linux-friendly shops are 
still stuck on Exchange and will remain so, IMHO.

<RANT>Until OO or Evolution begin interoperating with a centralized data 
store for tasks and appointments, Linux will still not be able to make a 
dent in Exchange environments.  In my mind, Evolution looks like a 
brilliant piece of software from the standpoint of duplicating the 
interface of Outlook, but without shared tasks and appointments, the 
whole project is an empty gesture, and the OO group would do well to 
assume that it won't be the final messaging solution for the Gnome 
desktop.  vCalendar/iCalendar is nice and all, but without a central 
store for the information, there's no way to know what others in my 
workgroup are up to.  THAT's the killer functionality in Outlook that 
forces so many shops to use exchange.  Let me say that again:  THE REASON 
this functionality, in the form of the StarSchedule server.  Why throw it 

Am I insane here?  Does no one else feel this way?  Why duplicate the 
interface of Outlook when you're not going to duplicate THE MOST 
IMPORTANT FEATURE?  Why throw the feature away once you have it?  I get 
the feeling that many OSS projects fail to take into account that in the 
end, in many many cases, deployment in the real world will depend on 
selling the product to a PHB.  Even PHB's know that Exchange blows 
chunks, but they still demand it for the groupware functionality.  Once 
Exchange is in place, it doesn't make any sense to use anything but MS 
Office.  Once MS Office is in place, it's no longer practical to use 
Linux on the desktop.</RANT>


Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On 1/12/01, 2:57:05 PM, David "A." Cobb <superbiskit home com> wrote 
regarding Re: [discuss] Is OO working with Helixcode (now Ximian) 
inintegrating  some stuff?:

Here's a trial balloon.  FIRST, don't cut the Windoze or MAC or Warp or 
users off at the knees by integrating to a platform they can't get.
Having said that, I want to have one and only one address book
database/application on my machine.  Right now I don't even know how many 
I have
and no two agree.  Ditto for calendars and the like, but I don't use them 
Second - _I_ want to make the choice!  Among products that satisfy
requirement#1, anyway.
Therefore, I propose using the vCard (iCard), vCalendar (iCalendar) work 
establish a public schema and API for 
stuff.  Then let the OOo applications use that defined interface.  If one 
several of us can put up a working data server that could provide these
functions in the absence of something "better" (in the eyes of the user), 
that would be a Very Good Thing:  from the viewpoint of competition, we 
afford not to have a mail-merge function.
Maybe I'm just talking off the top of my bald head.  The SO52 Address 
starts by identifying certain fields that must be present.  Maybe we can 
stop at
that point and say that any datasource which supplies these fields - say 
connection - can be configured for all the Address Book functions in OO.  
If the
user can identify a way to serve the SQL statement: "SELECT [a] AS 
[b] AS LASTNAMES, <etc> FROM "Somewhere in the ether" WHERE "whatever I 
then the OO application should be able to use the results.

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Garrett Mickelson, Linux Systems Engineer
Telephone: 415.358.2600   http://www.penguincomputing.com

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