Re: [Evolution] some html mail screwed up

On 22 Jan 2001 18:05:36 +1100, Tony Collins wrote:
G'day all

I'm using Preview 0.8.  Some html mail I receive (even a couple from
this very list!), the fonts are displayed as blocks instead of letters.
Graphics don't seem to appear either.  This doesn't happen with all html
mail I get, just some.  I took a couple of screenshots to demonstrate
the difference in rendering between Evo 0.8 and Mozilla 0.7.

This is a bug in our unicode and font code.  This is definitely in our
bug list. 

For now, a workaround should be removing your xfonts-cyrillic package.
This has worked for many people.

If you need cyrillic fonts, know that this is something we want fixed as

Good luck.  Write back if you have any problems.


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