Re: [Evolution] Lost contacts

Actually the problem was that the address.db file was in 1.85 format and
I needed to convert it to 2.x format. I used the following command:

db_dump185 {file_name} | db_load {new_file_name}

That did the charm and all is well/

thanks for the support.


On 12 Jul 2001 14:51:10 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
It has been reported that doing a "show all" search on the contacts will
make them all show up again.

On 12 Jul 2001 13:25:01 -0400, James Trickel wrote:
I did a red-carpet update on 7/11 and now I no longer have any of my
contacts nor can I save due to a wombat crash. Does anyone have any


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Luis Villa
Ximian Bugmaster
"Quality is an amazing bridge because it is universal in its language."
Thomas Corcoran

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
James Trickel                    phone : (315)453-2912 x5209
AppliedTheory Corp.              fax   : (315)479-0859
224 Harrison St.                 e-mail: jtrickel appliedtheory com
Syracuse, NY 13202

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