Re: [Evolution] evol 0.11 - missing status bar

2. there is no status bar on the lower right hand side when u send msgs,
i found this very helpfull i knowing the satus of sending mails, now
when i send a mail i don't know if/when its been sent (o.k i know u
generally get an error if u cannot find a specific server), but if i
only want to send one mail thenexit evo, i have no indication as to when
the mail has been sent.
IMHO i feel this is one thing that has really let down the update.
Will it be put back in or if not could there be an option to either have
it on/off
Its now across the bottom and only shows up when things are happening,
so if you have a local sendmail or smtp server it'll probably get done
before you see it, unless there is some timeout problem.

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