Re: [Evolution] Whats new in the 0724 snap?

Mine returns this..

--(03:45:57:Tue,24 Jul 01:$)-- gnome-config --modversion gpilot

is that old?

On 24 Jul 2001 14:43:35 -0400, Peter Williams wrote:
On 24 Jul 2001 10:47:02 -0400, Richie Crews wrote:
I am using 0.9.6 should i downgrade to 0.9.5?

That's your version of pilot-link, not gnome-pilot.

To find the version of gnome-pilot, run 'gnome-config --modversion
gpilot'. Mine is 1.2.13 and compiles.


Peter Williams     peter newton cx / peterw ximian com

"Why should I have to change my name? He's the one who 
sucks!"                              -- Michael Bolton

Richie Crews

Unix Administrator / Internet Integrator

Email: rcrews intercall com

Cell: (706) 773 - 3436
Desk: (706) 634 - 3681
Fax: (706) 634 - 3831


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