Re: [Evolution] the "Trash" folder

Deleting messages puts them into the Trash folder. Expunging erases all
deleted messages in the currently selected folder permanantly.

So yea, you kinda missed it :-)


On 15 Jun 2001 10:39:55 -0700, Jon Nall wrote:
i'm a little sketchy on the use of the "Trash" folder. to remove
messages, i currently delete/expunge (ctrl-D/ctrl-X). this deletes the
messages entirely. is there a way to delete them so they go into the
"Trash" folder? if not, it seems the only way something would get there
is to either filter it there, or manually move it (which makes it seem
no different than a regular folder, which makes me say, "why the 'empty
trash' option in the Actions menu"?). 

am i missing something basic? 


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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