Re: [Evolution] Focus Problems

I'm finding this to be true of a lot of Gnome 1.4 apps (maybe all?) - i.e., I have to click twice on links in Mozilla 0.8.1 if focus previously belonged to another app or I'm coming from another desktop; twice on a mute button on GMix in order to activate it, etc., etc. I've tried playing around with Sawfish focus settings to no avail.

Running RH 7.1 w/ Ximian Gnome 1.4 and latest Evo snapshot.


On 20 Jun 2001 04:04:45 -0500, Ben Ricker wrote:
> I am not sure if this related to Evolution or some other package. When I
> change to the desktop which has Evolution in it, I have to click twice
> on any iten to get it into focus. This includes buttons and folders in
> the folder list. When I hit buttons, they actually "depress" but they do
> not trigger. I click on them a second time and it triggers. The menus
> work fine.
> I am running Redhat 6.2 with Gnome 1.4 and Evolution .10.99.
> Ben Ricker
> System Administrator

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