Re: [Evolution] Palm conduits in snapshots

On 07 Mar 2001 23:07:00 -0500, Tim Reilly wrote:
Make great haste, for I think my Palm shall crumble in disuse if I do
not start syncing soon! 

Pretty please? :)
You can still syncronize it with GnomeCal and GnomeAddress.  Also you
can import the GnomeAddress file with evolution with the import wizard.
Works fine for me though a return to the direct evolution syncronization
would be very nice my palm will not crumble just yet :)

Sejal Patel (sejal iname com)

"I can call spirits from the vasty deep.  Why so can I, or so can any man;
but will they come when you do call for them?"
                                        Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part I

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