Re: [Evolution] Not sending all mail

There was a bug in the composer with some of the new code not too long
ago (I think it's been fixed in CVS) that caused the misplacement of
commas in the address fields. This might be the problem.


On 15 Mar 2001 23:13:20 -0500, Sejal Patel wrote:
On 16 Mar 2001 09:10:39 +1300, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:
On 15 Mar 2001 18:16:04 +1030, Not Zed wrote:
I dont think switching views would affect it, but i'm not 100% certain
on that.  Could you perhaps try and create a reproducible way to
recreate this?
It might have been a glitch in some thing else I guess,  It happned 3 or
4 times and has not happend in the last 3 days so...  Maybe a phantom
problem, I will keep a good eye on the problem next time I upgrade Evo
and let you know.
I have had several email messages not get sent correctly through
evolution (I write about 40 or so a day with about 2 not sent
correctly).  The sent mail will show that he mail has been sent but the
message is never delivered reguardless of whether I use smtp or
sendmail.  It isn't a problem with anything except that evolution
doesn't actually send the data (used ethereal to record all activity and
saw that the emails were not being delivered correctly to the smtp and
am assuming that it has the same problem with sendmail.) correctly like
the to addresses with have commas before any of the people and small
things like that.

Sejal Patel (sejal iname com)

"I can call spirits from the vasty deep.  Why so can I, or so can any man;
but will they come when you do call for them?"
                                        Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part I

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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