[Evolution] (MORE) No icons. Not much to due!

Sorry, I meant to add, when running via the console, I get a bunch of
errors such as below:

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Cannot activate Evolution component --

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Could not start up component for
OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent. (See previous error messages?)

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Cannot activate Evolution component --

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Could not start up component for
OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Summary_ShellComponent. (See previous error

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Cannot activate Evolution component --

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Could not start up component for
OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_ShellComponent. (See previous error

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Cannot activate Evolution component --

evolution-shell-WARNING **: e_folder_type_registry_get_icon_for_type() --
Unknown type `executive-summary'

evolution-shell-WARNING **: e_folder_type_registry_get_icon_for_type() --
Unknown type `mail'

And so on...

 On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Jason
Morehouse wrote:


I installed the latest snapshots for evolution and initially ran into the
problem of getting a "Unable to initiate shell" error.  All of a sudden it
runs fine, but once the application is up, there isn't anything to it.
Just some generic folder icons and no menu items.

I've tried reinstating it a few times... no go.

Any ideas?


.--- .- ... --- -. /  -- --- .-. . .... --- ..- ... .

 Jason Morehouse
 jm netconcepts com

 Netconcepts LTD
 Auckland, New Zealand

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