Re: [Evolution] Evolution clarification

On 19 Mar 2001 02:44:08 +0100, neugens wrote:
On Monday 19 March 2001 02:18, you wrote:

I don't think that's quite what he is refering to.  Kmail allows you to
drop incoming mail from a source directly in to a specific folder (as
opposed to the default inbox).  Say I have a pop account somewhere and I
don't want that mail mixed in with several other accounts I regularly
check.  I can drop mail from that special account to a specific folder
(ie: "Special Mail").  And of course, this can be done with any source
Kmail supports (ie: pop3, imap, mbox file, etc, etc).
Yes, thanks, that was what I wanted to say!
But today I have seen that the filter settings override the folder setting, 
to say, if I have a folder "neugens" that takes mails addressed to neugens, 
but I'm currently subcribed as neugens to the evolution mailing list, 
incoming mails will be drop in the neugens folder, not in the evolution 

umm, no, you can order the filters to tell it where to go, or even end
up with multiple copies - its flexible enough to do either.

If we (you :) decide to put that feature in the evolution source, we can make 
a user to decide if filter settings can ovverride folder settings or not, 
that would be nice, if, for example, we want any mail sent to a particular 
address to be dropped in a list-associated folder, or we have more 
subscription and want them to be managed differently.

May be a stupid idea?

P.S. sometimes my english is not perfect, so please have patience!

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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