Re: [Evolution] Forced Scrollbars?

Its a workaround for a nasty bug we've been having where the code gets
into an infinite loop trying to remove the scrollbars, then adding them
again, then removign them again, etc and locking the program.

When the problem gets fixed, the scrollbars will be back to normal!


On 22 Mar 2001 01:40:22 -0500, Tim Reilly wrote:
Heya Evolutionites,

For whatever reason, I was born a scrollbar-hater.  I don't know why,
but I try to remove scrollbars from my screen whenever possible.
However, updating to the newest snapshot today (2001. gave
me quite a shock.  Almost EVERYWHERE that there COULD be a scrollbar HAD
one! Augh!  I quite nearly asked my plush Helix Monkey to push me into
traffic.  However, I managed to calm down, and write this email.  I know
it's a rather nitpick request, but could you PLEASE only show scrollbars
when they're necessary?  I'd REALLY appreciate it.

I don't know what component or whatever this is related to, but the tree
view has them, the message view pane has them (at least, whenever
there's a message in it, the compose window has them, and many other
windows have them, like the tasks and the contacts.


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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