Re: [Evolution] STILL having problems composing window

Ok, I just found a way to make it work in Debian. 

Download _all_ debian snapshot packages, and install them. This made it
work for me. 

i downloaded them through apt-get (all of them) and still the same

Hmmm. Ok, I tried to reinstall the packages using apt-get install, but
that didn't help, so I FTP:d the .deb-files to a local directory and
installed all of them with 'dpkg -i *' 

Then it started to work.. Don't ask why :-) 

I also unsinstalled all old versions of oaf, libgal and other before, I
don't know if this is of any importance though..


 Mikael Wahlberg,  M.Sc.                 E-mail: Mikael Wahlberg engohol se
 Software Engineer/                      GSM:    +46 (0)733 279 274
 Systems Specialist
 Engström & Holgersson datakonsulter AB

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