Re: [Evolution] pgp problem with rc1

On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 08:51:03PM -0600, Steve Fox wrote:
On Thu, 2001-11-08 at 08:00, Thomas O'Dowd wrote:
I was having trouble with bug 8087 previously which was basically that
turning on encrypttoself caused evolution to crash. The crash appears
to have been fixed in RC1 but now it pops up a box to say that 
PGP 2.6 is not supported anymore so right now I'm not able to use PGP.
From the changelog:
- Removed support for PGP 2.6.x due to security issues (pgp would
    always return 0 suggesting that the signature was valid even when
    it wasn't).  (Jeff)
Thanks Steve, but I'm using PGP 6.5.8 which was why I was asking why it
is detecting 2.6? Is this the same as 2.6?

Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping -
tom nooper com - Testing -

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