Re: [Evolution] Perhaps we should keep a list of IMAP/POP servers that we know Evolution works well with.

On Sun, 2001-11-18 at 14:49, Eelco van Beek wrote:
Well, indeed it would be a possibility to use imap for storing a
calendar. But it won't provide real calendar sharing, which involves
user/rights management. I have no idea if there's a standard on shared
calendars / addressbooks.
There certainly is.  It's called iCal, and is defined by the IETF. (RFCs
2445-2447).  It's supported by Evolution, Palm's OS, Outlook; you get
the idea.

If you want to add support into your own software, there are details at .

Hope this helps,


$a=""; Chris Ball | chris void $a | www.$a | finger: chris $a
As to luck, there's the old miners' proverb: Gold is where you find it.

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