Re: [Evolution] Memory Usage

Here's a snapshot from top.  Is it just me, or is this a HUGE amount of
memory.  I've only got one instance of evo started, so why the massive
hit to RAM?  Why six processes?  Oh, don't get me wrong, I LOVE THIS
No, it's not just you. It's evolution using POSIX threads to achieve
multitasking in a single process. POSIX threads are implemented using
clone() call and most utilities like top and ps can't handle or display
process threads right.
Actually it's just one process with a few threads and it actually does
not consume that much memory.
19Mb isn't "that much memory"!?

No,  not for email + contacts + calendar + task list.

Good old pine takes a minimum of 3Mb.

And don't forget to subtract SHARE,  pages shared with other processes. 
You only load one copy of libgtk no matter how many gtk apps you use.

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