Re: [Evolution] LDAP Address Book Setup


On 14 Aug 2002 18:23:35 +020  
 Tony Earnshaw wrote:
ons, 2002-08-14 kl. 12:40 skrev Tong Eng Chiah:

 i'm using it.
works fine.
No it doesn't! Even if people do as you say.
Calm down a little will u?
Someone ask a general question, so i answered generally and at the same time tried to get more information 
regarding the problem.

Really nothing wrong with that, is there?

1: There's no ldaps possibility (e.g. one can change the port, but not
the service/protocol and TLS certificate verification);

Anybody using a LDAP connection as address book? Somehow I have problems
to set that up. Posted the problem twice already, but it seems I put a
stamp on it that says "please ignore" :-) I would be really glad if
somebody can help me solving the problem.
Didn't see your original posting, Izzy, 'cos I've been away for a while.




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