Re: [Evolution] LDAP Address Book Setup

On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 09:23, Tony Earnshaw wrote:
ons, 2002-08-14 kl. 12:40 skrev Tong Eng Chiah:

 i'm using it.
works fine.
No it doesn't! Even if people do as you say.
It has always worked fine for me when doing normal port 389 non-TLS
stuff...  Are you saying that isn't working for you?

1: There's no ldaps possibility (e.g. one can change the port, but not
the service/protocol and TLS certificate verification);
which version are you talking about?  version 1.1.x has had a UI for
selecting TLS for some time now.  Are you saying that the UI isn't

2: and there's no Address list possibility - as there is in disk-based
Evo "Contacts" - even given that you're using ldap objectClass
EvolutionPerson and evolutionPersonList on your ldap server, which only
source people know about anyway, because the binary rpm people - like me
- don't even *know* about the Evolution schema. Without being told by
people like Adam Williams.
The location of the schema file wasn't communicated that well even to
the people that *did* use the source instead of binary snapshots.  The
reason being it was a hack and even when I wrote it I knew most of it
would end up being deprecated eventually (parts of it already are -- the
calendar/freebusy fields).

Contact lists again will probably *not* use the format in the current
evolutionPerson schema, and yes, there's a bug about the lack of them,
and yes, it's slated for 1.2.

just need to key in the LDAP server hostname and a search base
what problems u facing?
The above. I have Openldap 2.1.3/Berkeley 4.0 BDB running on my Compaq
Presario Evo notebook cum server and do TLS/ldaps for everything that
I'm able to. Ditto TLS pop3 and TLS SMTP. Evo falls far short. I know
it's being worked on, but nobody should think that 1.x is anywhere near
good, yet. Moreover, using your own ldap server as a source for names
for your message composer "to" contacts list needs special ldap indexing
on your server.
First off, to expect a large ldap server to perform well at searches
*without* indexing is just silly, so there's no use saying that
evolution alone requires it.  If your ldap server is just for your own
contacts you probably don't need any additional indexing unless you're
one of those odd people with 20k contacts.  I never added indices for my
local server here until I started stress testing things and upped the
number of entries to 100k, and things weren't adversely affected by
their absence.

And you're right - evolution is still being worked on.  The initial
LDAPS/TLS code went in a long time ago, and I was pulled away to work on
other things and couldn't get back to finishing it up.  But it does no
one any good to act like it's the end of the world and say it's nowhere
near good yet when I just fixed the TLS problems and committed the fixes
tonight.  Relax :)


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