Re: [Evolution] Filter Feature

sorry bout that 10 time thing :)

I just got another one .. this is the header copied off the mail server

Return-Path: <katie mail lectranet com>
Delivered-To: frenchpeoplesuck com-SNIP frenchpeoplesuck com
Received: (qmail 22829 invoked from network); 16 Aug 2002 22:40:20 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO (
  by with SMTP; 16 Aug 2002 22:40:20 -0000
To:SNIP{ frenchpeoplesuck com
From: katie mail lectranet com
Subject: The Real Deal

this is another one that had a date displayed:

<errorsphpclasses=frenchpeoplesuck com bounce phpclasses org>
Delivered-To: frenchpeoplesuck com-phpclasses frenchpeoplesuck com
Received: (qmail 22449 invoked from network); 16 Aug 2002 21:54:53 -0000
Received: from (
  by with SMTP; 16 Aug 2002 21:54:53 -0000
Received: (qmail 19586 invoked by uid 1005); 16 Aug 2002 21:43:05 -0000
Message-ID: <20020816214305 19585 qmail linux pt>
To: PHP Classes <void phpclasses org>
Subject: [PHP Classes] Added a new class: ooform
Date: 16 Aug 2002 21:31:28 -0000
From: PHP Classes <subscriber-help phpclasses org>
Precedence: bulk
X-Mailer: $Revision: 1.19 $
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

There is no Date header in the first ... is it possible for Evo the read
the received Date if the Date header is missing? Actually I would rather
just see mail servers rejecting malformed  mail messages but for now it
would be  nice if Evo would either handle the problem or at least give a
way to trash it ... All these emails are script generated they are all
Spam ... so I could care less if I never see them ..

I wonder ... could I make the mail server filter these out?? Hummm......

On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 09:52, Not Zed wrote:
On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 23:27, Tom wrote:
I sent this once before but the List Manager said it was too big and not
delivered ( so if you get this twice sorry ) ... I cut the image size
down a bit
By fortune I got it about 10 times because a bug in iconv() and my disk
filling up.  Fun.

I just got another one ... I attached a screen shot .. I am not crazy
... really ... :)
I believe you dont worry ...

I will start leaving the mail on the server so I can take a look at the
header before Evo sees it ...
It might be that evolution is adding a 'current date' date because there
was none to start with.  If there was no date when the message was first
scanned, it might end up with a ? in the date column.

On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 08:49, Tom wrote:
me to ... yet in Evo under the date field it shows as a '?'

On Tue, 2002-08-13 at 05:51, Not Zed wrote:
looks like a valid date to me.

On Tue, 2002-08-13 at 23:09, Tom wrote:
These are the headers from one of the emails ...The next time I get one
in I will look at it on the server before I trash it but I see a date
... unless there is a Date header missing that I am not aware of.

<101125 3275xcy nstu nsk su>
tlc peopleareidiots com
Received: (qmail 17788 invoked from
network); 11 Aug 2002 09:18:57 -0000
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SMTP; 11 Aug 2002 09:18:57 -0000
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19:18:50 +1000 
Received: from ([]) by V3.0n 56/36761082); 11 Aug 2002 19:18:49
74363 1145rod qsuiza com pe
From: Amy
<101125 3275xcy nstu nsk su>
To: Inbox <2347 globix net>
Subject: <><><><> Pick a Winner
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;
pop://SNIP mail peopleareidiots com/inbox
Date: 11 Aug 2002 11:02:59 -0400
<1029078179 3155 1 camel woodstock omnichannels com>

On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 04:39, Not Zed wrote:
On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 01:06, Tom wrote:
Like everyone on this list I get a ton of Spam every day ... and a good
portion of them have no date .. I am not sure if it is blank or if evo
can not figure it out .. but it shows up as a '?' ... Is there a way to
create a filter that will catch messages with no valid date?
you could try specific header is "" rule, ho im not sure it would work. 
or maybe header regex is not "^Date:". 

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Tom <evolution frenchpeoplesuck com>

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Tom <evolution frenchpeoplesuck com>

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Tom <evolution frenchpeoplesuck com>

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Tom <evolution frenchpeoplesuck com>

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