Re: [Evolution] Opening of attached jpeg files

On Mon, 2002-08-19 at 08:01, Rick Loga wrote:
The jpegs attached to my email are sometime already open and sometimes I have
to click on the icon to open them.  How can I tell evolution to always open
jpeg attachments?
The sender can specify whether the default should be to show the
attachment for not (note the checkbutton at the bottom of the file
picker when you add an attachment in Evo).

Anyway, there's no way to open all jpeg attachments by default at the
moment. I suppose it could be implemented as a feature but not for 1.2
-- you'd want to have it more generic than just "[x] Automatically
display all jpegs". Ie, let the user specify which mimetypes are
automatically displayed, etc.


Peter Williams     peter newton cx / peterw ximian com

"Why should I have to change my name? He's the one who 
sucks!"                              -- Michael Bolton

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