Re: [Evolution] Mail accounts disappeared when Gnome acts weird

On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 04:29, Alexandre Aractingi wrote:
I know the subject has already been discussed, but I noticed my mail
account settings disappeared when Gnome seems to 'forget' about the
Gnome-specific configs... I don't know why, but sometimes when I reboot
my computer, some launchers in the Gnome panel disappear, Galeon looses
its bookmarks, GFTP looses its registered sites and Evo looses its mail
account settings...

Any chance you ran out of disk space?  A lot of the various bits of
config code have issues when the disk is full.

All this seems more connected to Gnome than to Evo, but I thought
everything regarding Evo was stored in ~/evolution, and this folder is
definitely here (calendar, tasks and contacts ok...).
Am I doing something stupid here?
Thanks for any hint,

Not sure what else might have caused it.


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