Re: [Evolution] Re: Fsck'd Japanese fonts in 1.2

It is a gtkhtml font problem.  Gtkhtml stores it's fonts in gconf in 1.2
so if you are changing the old gnome-config files that will not change
things.  I'm not sure exactly what trouble people are having, and simply
saying it is broken doesn't really help.  If you would like to see this
resolved add specifics of your font settings and the problems you are
having to the bugs in that already refer to this


On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 11:17, Stuart Luppescu wrote:
On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 12:25, Melvin Sneed wrote:
Redhat 8.0 with Evo 1.2 upgraded from 1.0.8
via the latest redcarpet.


Kanji displayed fine under 1.0.8 but after 
upgrading to 1.2 *no* kanji font would display
correctly.  They would either not display at 
all or display as "kanji gibberish". Just to
make sure I was not being stupid I verified 
the chosen fonts with open office. They worked
fine. I blew away 1.2 and reinstalled 1.0.8. I
have kanji again.

International fonts seem to be an issue in 1.2 as
I have seen several postings in the archives with
people having the same display issues with fonts
other then kanji.

Any one have a clue?
I, among several others, have reported the same problem, but there has
never been a solution offered. NotZed suggested adjusting the gtkhtml
fonts, but that didn't solve the problem at all. (That this doesn't help
was confirmed by several people on the Tokyo Linux Users' Group list.)
This single problem is preventing me from upgrading my machine at work,
and has forced me to install Sylpheed for Japanese email at home. Very

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