Re: [Evolution] Filter problems

On Sun, 2002-12-15 at 02:53, Mark Nelson wrote:
Hi All 

I've reciently added a second pop account to my evolution configuration,
I've configured the first account (account_a) to download straight into
my inbox and the second account (account_b) to download to a second
folder via the filter mechanism. My problem is that since adding the
second pop account my filters that have worked for a year suddenly have
stopped working. All they do now is move mail between the Inbox and the
folder used as the inbox for the second account.  I've attached my
filters.xml file.  If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong I would be

Just for some clarifications:
 - which actual accounts are account_a and account_b
 - which are the actual folders
 - which are the new rule(s)

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