Re: [Evolution] Attachment bug

Sorry, I haven't specified enough that the attachment is just a 'save'
of the mail (I also see my mail and the text attachment in the mail I've
sent to the list in my Evolution).

If you will append the attachment to your mail spool then mutt reads it
ok (and shows all message parts) but Evolution doesn't (it reads and
shows HTML mail part ok but doesn't know anything about the zip).

Jan "Pogo" Mynarik

On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 15:21, Marc Billiet wrote:
At 14:32 2002-02-07 +0100, Jan Mynarik wrote:
Hi all,

the attached message consists of 3 parts (plain text version of message,
HTML version of message and ZIP archive) but evolution (1.0.2 and
earlier) doesn't find (no attachment shown in message index or message
detail) the ZIP attachment (mutt does).

Jan "Pogo" Mynarik
I've tested your mail with Eudora and Staroffice (both on m$-windows). 
Neither of them sees the attachment. Eudora shows your mail as one big 
text, and Staroffice splits the mail in two parts: your mail, and the mail 
from obchod obchudecek cz  They both contain the undecoded zip-file as part 
of the text.
So maybe it's a mutt-bug to see the attachment  ;-)
Or a bug in the forwarding of Evolution.


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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