Re: [Evolution] Can't seem to get Pilot Link to work

On Wed, 2002-02-06 at 12:48, Janine Sisk wrote:
[janine localhost janine]$ rpm -qa | grep pilot-link

PalmOS is 3.5.2H2.0


On Wed, 2002-02-06 at 12:37, JP Rosevear wrote:
On Tue, 2002-02-05 at 18:24, Janine Sisk wrote:
Before I begin, let me apologize if I'm in the wrong place.  I've asked
about this on the Users list and got no bites;  it's not clear to me
what the charter of the two lists is (ie, what should go where), so I
thought I'd try over here.

I have a Handspring Visor Prism with a USB cradle.  From the command
line I can use pilot-xfer to list the contents of the Visor and back it
up, so I know that I have it configured correctly on /dev/pilot.
The visor prism should work fine with those versions.  If it works with
jpilot then something is a little odd since they both use pilot-link as
the communications library.  Are you positive multiple pilot accessing
programs were not running?

When you press the hot sync button, what does /proc/bus/usb/devices

JP Rosevear                             jpr ximian com
Ximian Inc.                   

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