Re: [Evolution] Evo pilot conduits problems

On Tue, 2002-02-12 at 23:08, Michael Leone wrote:
On Tue, 2002-02-12 at 21:46, dan hensley attbi com wrote:
It wouldn't surprise me if the machine being used to
generate the RPM has PeterW's libtool 1.4 performance patch.
This is exactly what I see if I compile Evolution with this
patch installed (which by the way cuts the compile time down
by at least a factor of 2).  I submitted a bugzilla on this
a number of months ago, as well as duscussing it on the list.
This was how I discovered that you can't use the libtool patch
if you want to compile conduits.
That may be it; I used the Evolution 1.0.2 from Mandrake Cooker, and
that conduit error disappeared. I still get a gpilotd crash when
choosing a memofile conduit, but we'll get to that later.

For now, I can't seem to find how to initiate a sync with my Palm III
from within Evo itself. Or do I do it some other way? Where's the
doc/tutorial that explains that, anyway? I went thru the help file, but
all that talks about it how to set up the conduits, and I've done that.
So how do I start Evo actually syncing over those conduits?
I did some checking.  I think what's going on is that our packages are
slightly borked.  You probably needed to install the evolution-pilot
package (ximian matched the mandrake conventions).  Our evolution
package contains the conduit registration files, but not the actual

I'll let the build guys know.

JP Rosevear                             jpr ximian com
Ximian Inc.                   

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