Re: [Evolution] Main window too big for desktop

Kenneth Porter wrote:

I've been running evo from a 1280x1024 desktop and now I'm using it from
another workstation with a lower resolution. However, evo starts bigger
than the new desktop, and since I can't reach the lower right corner of
its window, I can resize it smaller.

How do I get evo to limit its size to the desktop, and how do I resize
it if it gets too big to reach the corners?

I have this problem all the time, and I don't think it's an evo one. It's a window manager problem.
The window manager let's you decide which corners will allow you to 
resize the windows.  So, I would suggest switching to a Window Manager 
or theme that allows you to use the Top Left or Top Right corner to 
resize.  For example, under Gnome + Sawfish, the crux theme (I believe) 
allows you to resize using any of the four corners.
There's other ways to do this, too, but this is the simplest.


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