Re: [Evolution] Plans for PocketPC connectivity?

There is no "standard" connectivity software for pocketpc <--> linux
like there is for the pilot.
You can look into SynCE on Sourceforge. It's Alpha quality software and
is not for the novice to setup.
Something like SynCE needs to be mainstream before it will be included
in something like evolution. (I could be wrong, and hope I am, since I'm
not on the evolution development team).

Kevin Lane

On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 17:42, d-smock northwestern edu wrote:
I just downloaded Evo for the first time since its initial release, and I'm 
incredibly impressed.  It has all the good features of outlook that I like, 
minus almost all of its bad points. 

Unfortunately, the reason I switched to using outlook (and windows) on my 
desktop machine is b/c I sync my mail, calendar, etc. with my iPaq. 

It seems like Evo is using an outlook-style for all its folders and such, and 
i'm wondering - are there plans to support Activesync-like connections with 


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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