Re: [Evolution] Re: [Evolution-hackers] Scripting in evolution

On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 14:06, Brian wrote:
On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 13:45, Andy Cedilnik wrote:

I know this is border-line ms propaganda, but what do you think about
scripting support in Evolution?

I do not think of scripting as javascript in mails like Outlook does.
What I mean is some features of Evolution would trigger events to which
user can hook let say python script. Also, for example user could script
some commonly used features.
Why would you want such a feature?
Intelligent spam filtering, spam reporting.  Auto-send "remove" or
"unsubscribe" e-mails.  Add custom applets to the UI perhaps?

"Jonathan F. Dill" (dill umbi umd edu)
UMBI CARB IT Coordinator
Experimental Support Site

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