Re: [Evolution] To: field left empty by Galeon

I'm having the hardest time with Galeon playing happily with evolution. 
I did a search about how to get it to use ev. as a mail handler and
managed just fine to get it to open up a new message window. However,
the to: field is left blank defeating the purpose of the feature.  Am I
doing something wrong?  I have Gnome set up to handle mailto by ev. and
Galeon is set for 'evolution mailto "%s"'.  So where's the to: field?
evolution "%s"
I'm having the same problem. I actually only began to explore this
option when I read Victoria's original post. 

according to evolution's man page: 

       To send mail to joe somewhere net

            evolution mailto:joe somewhere net

       To use Evolution as the handler for mailto: links in GNOME 
       applications, set the GNOME URL handler in the GNOME  Con­ 
       trol Center to be: 

            evolution "%s" 

       (The similar approach works for Mozilla and other applica­ 

putting evolution "%s" in the GNOME control centre's URL handler section
doesn't seem to have an effect on Galeon. Mailto links simply don't

putting evolution "%s" in Galeon's Mail Handler field under Settings ->
Preferences -> Programs also doesn't seem to work. 

I can replicate the original program but putting evolution mailto:"%s";
in the field and then evolution pops up with no address in the To:

Furthermore, if the mailto link contains something like:
        mailto:joe somewhgere net?subject=This is a test

...then the subject of the email appears in the To: field. 

Any further ideas on how to get this working? 


Fred Chagnon
fred minix ca

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