Re: [Evolution] Cannot add/edit entries of LDAP Addressbook

Raphael and I have been bouncing mail back and forth privately on this,
but I figured I'd respond to the list with the solution I just found.

The trouble is that evolution only queries the RootDSE when it opens the
connection, and some ldap servers are configured such that you need to
be authenticated to read anything, including attributes of the RootDSE
(like the subschema's dn).  For instance, in the comments of my openldap
2.0.25 slapd.conf here is the following acl:

#access to *
#       by self write
#       by users read
#       by anonymous auth

If this acl is used alone, you'll find yourself unable to create/edit

A fix for this would be to query the root dse again after we've
authenticated.  The only trouble with this setup is that it makes
querying the authentication capabilities (sasl mechs) of the server
impossible before we've authenticated.

Anyway, I'm filing a bug about the RootDSE-query-after-auth thing, but
in the meantime if you find that all your contact editor fields are
greyed out even after you authenticate, make sure you ldap server has
the following two ACL's listed:

access to dn="" by * read
access to dn="cn=Subschema" by * read


On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 03:17, Raphael Vallazza wrote:

I have a problem with my LDAP addressbook. I connot add nor edit
entries, because the fields are greyed out. The strange thing is that if
i click on the "Full Name" button of the Contact Editor i can enter the
name of the person, and then i can even save it! The other fields remain
grayed out. The permissions of the LDAP server are ok, because i can use
any other ldap client to modify/add/delete entries in that
organizational unit.

This problem was already reported on bugzilla:

but has never been solved.

Does anyone know how to solve or workaround the problem?


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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