Re: [Evolution] applying Bayesian spam filter

FYI, I'm doing a workaround at the moment to accomplish the
filtering/marking. I have to use the "Important" flag as a "Spam" flag
to do it.

I added two filters at the top of my filter list.

The first one is "Mark As Spam." This filter checks if the message
status is "Important". If so, it executes the shell command
"/usr/bin/bogofilter -S" and moves it to the spam folder.

The second one is "Mark As Not Spam." This filter checks if the message
status is "Read". If so, it executes "/usr/bin/bogofilter -H" and moves
the message to the Inbox. (I wish there was a way to tell what folder
the message is in from the filters!)

Now if Spam comes in and doesn't get properly tagged as Spam, I mark the
message as "Important" and execute filters again. If a legit mail gets
in the Spam folder, I highlight it and execute filters again.

These new filters shouldn't affect new incoming e-mails, and this is
assuming you don't already use the "Important" flag for other things.


On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 09:27, Monte Ohrt wrote:

I'm attempting to apply a Bayesion spam filter to evolution e-mails.
specifically, bogofilter (

Applying it to incoming e-mail is fairly trivial via a filter, pipe the
message to a shell command and dump it to a Spam folder depending on the
return value. But I need a way to send already-filtered e-mail messages
to a shell command with a hotkey, or from a menu. This way I can make
the filter "learn" spam that it missed, or messages thought to be spam
that are not.

What would be best is if I could setup a "hotkey" filter. Then when I
highlight the message and hit the hotkey, it executes the filter which
would execute the shell command and move the message to the appropriate

Any ideas?


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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