Re: [Evolution] More spell-check problems: wrong dictionary selected for suggestions

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 13:37, Mertens Bram wrote:
The spell checker seems to be able to check the spelling against the
correct language but the suggestions always seem to come from the
"American English" dictionary...
A little update, I was looking through my account settings and I enabled
the following languages in Tools>Settings>Composer Preferences:
English (British)
French (France)
German (Germany)

After the list of suggestions appears to be a combination of the
dictionaries of all these languages! Even after deactivating spelling
checking for all languages but English (British)...

So it appears the settings in this window affect more than what they're
supposed to...

 #  Mertens Bram "M8ram" <bram-mertens linux be>   Linux User #249103  #
 #  Red Hat Linux 7.3  KDE 3.0.0-10  kernel 2.4.18-3  i686  128MB RAM  #

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