Re: [Evolution] Signatures vs accented characters (follow-up)

Le jeu 14/11/2002 à 21:49, François Jan a écrit :
... croient être un "dysfonctionnement" de notre système : elles
reçoivent le Bulletin après avoir tenté de se désabonner ou
reçoivent le Bulletin en double. La source du problème est
invariablement la même :...
Well, if you can see my signature well formed with the cedilla, I may
help you....

I was in the same shit as you but was too lazy to have a look. Never
mind, your mail got me on the way and I changed the file
evolution/signatures/xxx with vi in order to read François instead of
François and here I am.
I've resorted to a similar solution : I edit the files in
~/evolution/signatures/ with a text editor and the accents are OK when
the signature is included in the message.

I've notice something though. When I first tried to edit my signature
with Kedit 1.0.3, it was fine, but with gedit (2.0.2), I had the same
problem with accents. 

I looked at gedit's Preferences and changed the parameter for "During
saving" (sorry, I don't know the real title in English).

It was set to "Use original file encoding if possible".

I changed it to "Use current locale's encoding if possible". And it

My locale encoding is, I think, ISO-8859-1. The same as what is defined
in Evolution. Obviously, the Evo signature editor does not take into
account Evolution character encoding or the locale's encoding. Or takes
it from somewhere, but where?!

By the way, I use ISO-8859-15 which is a lot better than latin1 (aka
I'll try that!



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