[Evolution] Re: [Evolution-hackers] Help on Using version 1.2

This question really belongs on the user list and not the hackers list
(which is for people developing evolution only).

You are correct in that gconf will not work on NFS mounted home
directories because gconf cannot obtain a lockfile for it's database of
configuration files.

The best place to report this is probably bugzilla.gnome.org under the
GConf module. The maintainer may be better able to help you with this


On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 07:51:28PM +0900, Hyo-Je Choi wrote:

I'm using Redhat 8.0, and my home directory is mounted from other machine using NFS.
I had no problem to use the evolution 1.0.8 which is default e-mail client of Redhat 8.0.
But I had some problem after I upgraded the evolution by red-carpet. (actually, I tried rpm command too)
I couldn't view summary page and mail page. (Calendar, Contact, etc are okay)
So I tried this command :
      > evolution-mail

The result is like below :
GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server (a likely cause of this is
that you have an existing configuration server (gconfd) running, but it isn't
reachable from here - if you're logged in from two machines at once, you may
need to enable TCP networking for ORBit)

Is this problem occurred because of using NFS-mounted home directory ?
Is there anybody who met this problem?

Waiting for any answers.


evolution-hackers maillist  -  evolution-hackers ximian com

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